
When it comes to selecting an energy-efficient HVAC system, one crucial factor to consider is the SEER rating. SEER is a metric that determines the energy efficiency of HVAC systems.

If you are not sure what SEER rating is and how it can benefit you, then we’re here to help you understand.

In this article, a reliable energy auditing service provider in Lodi, CA, will explain everything you need to know about SEER rating on HVAC and how it can affect your energy efficiency and comfort.

What Is A Good Seer Rating?

The SEER rating stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is a measurement of how well an HVAC unit performs over time, using the same amount of energy as a standard unit would use. It measures how efficient and cost-effective your air conditioning system is.

What does this mean for you? It means that if you have a higher SEER rating, it’ll be more likely that your AC will save you thousands of dollars on your energy bill over time. This is especially true if you live in a hotter climate where electricity costs more per unit than in other areas of the country or world!

If you’re thinking about replacing your old AC with a new one, you’ll need to know what kind of rating it has before buying. The most efficient models cost more than less-efficient HVAC models, but they’ll save you many dollars in the long term since they use less energy than less-efficient models do.

How Is The SEER Rating Calculated?

The SEER rating is calculated by dividing the total cooling output of an HVAC system over a typical cooling season by the total energy consumed during that same period. The formula for calculating the HVAC SEER rating is as follows:

SEER = Total Cooling Output (in British Thermal Units or BTUs) / Total Energy Consumption (in watt-hours)

To understand the calculation in more detail, let’s break it down:

Total Cooling Output

This tells you how much heat your AC can remove from your home per hour. It’s measured in British thermal units (Btu).

Total Energy Consumption

This is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and tells you how much electricity your AC will use over time.

Cooling Season

The SEER rating calculation considers the system’s performance over a typical cooling season. The duration and climate conditions of the cooling season may vary depending on the region or country.

Weighted Average

The SEER rating calculation uses a weighted average approach to account for varying operating conditions. This means that the system’s performance at different load levels, such as full load and part load, is considered in the calculation. The weights are assigned based on the frequency of each load condition during the cooling season.

Minimum Seer Rating Chart

The newest HVAC units are more efficient than ever.

But a lot of people don’t know that their homes might not be able to reach the minimum efficiency rating of the equipment they have.

In order to make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment, check out this list of minimum SEER ratings for air conditioners and heat pumps from 1992 to 2023—and keep in mind that these numbers are only going up!

Year North South & SW
1992 10 10
2006 13 13
2015 13 14
2023 14 15

What Is The Difference Between SEER And SEER2?

SEER and SEER2 are two different methods of measuring a building’s energy efficiency. They both use the same metric, which is a measure of cooling energy use per square foot.

Here’s a breakdown of the differences between SEER and SEER2:

Calculation Method

SEER is calculated by dividing a system’s cooling capacity by its power consumption, while SEER2 is calculated by dividing a system’s heating capacity by its power consumption. Both use an industry-standard method for calculating these values based on measurements taken from a test lab. Because SEER2 uses heating capacity instead of cooling capacity, it tends to favor systems designed for warmer climates where space heating is more common than cooling.

Use And Adoption

SEER has been around longer than SEER2, so it’s more widely used. It’s also one of the only ways to get certified by Energy Star if you’re looking to sell your home or make improvements to an existing one. However, SEER2 has advantages, such as automatically adjusting its settings based on weather conditions and humidity levels (which can affect how much heat is needed).


SEER ratings are commonly provided by manufacturers and are displayed on the product labels of air conditioners and heat pumps. It is a well-established and easily accessible metric for residents to compare the energy efficiency of different systems. SEER2 ratings are not as commonly available or prominently displayed on HVAC products. It may require specific testing and certification processes to obtain SEER2 ratings, and not all manufacturers provide this information.

HVAC Seer Rating Comparison

Here’s a comparison chart showcasing different SEER ratings and their potential cost-saving benefits for HVAC systems:

SEER Rating Energy Efficiency Estimated Cost Savings
SEER 13 Standard Efficiency Baseline efficiency level with minimal savings
SEER 16 Moderate Efficiency Provides moderate energy savings compared to SEER 13
SEER 18 High Efficiency Offers significant energy savings compared to SEER 13
SEER 20 Very High Efficiency Maximizes energy savings with the highest efficiency level

While higher SEER-rated systems generally provide greater energy efficiency and potential cost savings, it’s important to consider the upfront cost of the system and the payback period for the additional investment. Consulting with local HVAC professionals and performing an energy auditing will help determine the optimal SEER rating that aligns with your budget and long-term energy savings goals.

Benefits Of High Seer Rating HVAC System

How can you tell when you’re in a building with a high-seer rating HVAC system? It’s the same way you can tell when you’re in a building with an impressively high IQ: it’s just so much smarter than everyone else.

But seriously, there are plenty of benefits to having a high-seer rating HVAC system that goes beyond just being able to make smart jokes about it.

Energy Efficiency

A high seer rating means your air conditioner is more efficient at cooling your home or office space. And that means lower energy bills for you! On average, if you switch from an 8 SEER unit to a 12 SEER unit, your energy costs will be reduced by 30%. That’s enough savings to pay for the installation costs in less than 5 years!

Cost Savings

A high seer rating also means that your air conditioner will last longer. The higher the SEER rating, the longer it will last before needing to be replaced (and therefore saving you money). In addition, since they are more efficient, they use less electricity, which means less wear and tear over time, extending their life expectancy even further!

Environmental Impact

A high SEER rating means that your HVAC system will use less energy and therefore produce fewer emissions, which is worth the environment. It also means that your system will be more efficient and cost you less money to operate.

Enhanced Comfort

Another benefit of a high SEER rating is enhanced comfort for you! A high SEER rating means that your HVAC system will be more efficient at maintaining the temperature in your home, meaning you can set it lower than you would otherwise need to. This helps reduce the strain on your body from constantly adjusting itself to different temperatures throughout the day (or night).

Long-Term Value

Investing in a high SEER-rated system can provide long-term value. Although the upfront cost may be higher compared to lower SEER-rated systems, the potential energy savings and increased durability of these systems can lead to a positive ROI over time. Additionally, high SEER-rated systems often come with extended warranties, providing added peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Tax Credits and Rebates

Many states offer tax credits or rebates for installing a high seer rating HVAC system. These rebates can be anywhere from 10% to 20% off the unit’s total cost, making it a better deal than it is now!

Consulting with energy auditing professionals in Lodi, CA, and considering your specific needs will help determine the ideal SEER rating for your home or business, taking into account both energy efficiency and budget considerations.

7 Pro Tips on Choosing HVAC Systems

Do you want to save money on your electric bill?

Then it’s time to upgrade your HVAC system!

The average family spends over $600 each year on their HVAC. That’s a lot of cash, especially when you consider that there are ways to reduce that cost. 

The best way is by installing a high seer rating HVAC system. A high seer rating means that the unit has a higher efficiency than standard models and will cost less to run. 

Wondering, “What seer rating should I buy?”

Here are some tips for making sure you choose the best HVAC unit for your needs:

Understand Your Climate

SEER Rating is the most important factor to consider when choosing an HVAC system. You should understand how climate affects your energy use and how your home’s indoor environment can impact the outdoor environment. For example, if you live in a climate where it gets cold in winter and hot in summer, then you will probably need to consider installing a heat pump rather than an air conditioner. Heat pumps are great because they can provide both heating and cooling to your home, but they do require more electricity than traditional air conditioners, so make sure to look at your local utility rates before making any decisions about what kind of HVAC system would work best for you!

Consider Usage Patterns

In addition to understanding your climate, you must also understand your usage patterns. An HVAC system that runs constantly throughout the year won’t be as efficient as one that only runs when necessary (for example: during those hot summer days). Also, consider how often you plan on using each room in your house so that you can find an HVAC system that fits into those plans as well!

Evaluate Long-Term Benefits

When choosing an HVAC system for your home, think about how much money you could save over time by investing in a higher SEER rating now. For example, let’s say it costs $10,000 to install a new AC unit with a 13 SEER rating but only $3,000 for one with an 8 SEER rating—and both will last 8 years before needing repairs or replacement parts. In that case, use independent reviews from sites like Yelp! to find out how reliable different brands are and what kinds of issues their customers commonly have so that you can make a well-informed decision about which one will work best for your home’s needs (and budget).

Assess Your Energy Costs

You need to look at your utility bills over the past year and calculate how much money you spend on heating and cooling monthly. Or you can call for a professional energy audit so they can help you understand your local energy costs and rates. Compare the potential energy savings offered by different SEER ratings and calculate the payback period for the initial investment. This analysis will help you determine the SEER rating that provides the best balance between upfront cost and long-term savings.

Research Rebates and Incentives

Homeowners can receive federal tax credits for installing energy-efficient HVAC systems. This credit can be as much as 30% of the cost of the system, depending on how much energy it saves in comparison to your old one. So be sure to check out what your state has to offer. These incentives can significantly reduce the cost of your HVAC system!

Consult with HVAC Professionals

Next, consult with an HVAC professional like Rellaire about whether you need a new air conditioner or heater—and if so, which model will be best for your home. They can help you determine how much energy the system will use and how much money it will save you on your monthly bills over time.

Consider Maintenance Costs

Finally, when choosing HVAC SEER rating systems, consider maintenance costs. While high-efficiency equipment may cost more upfront, it’s important not to forget that it will likely last longer than lower-efficiency models—which could cost more over time because they’ll have to be replaced sooner than expected because of wear and tear caused by higher energy usage levels during operation periods where outdoor temperatures are hot enough for extended periods without cooling off between uses (for example).

How Does SEER Rating Affect Costs?

The SEER rating is a measure of the efficiency of an HVAC unit. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit.

And we all know that efficiency is key when it comes to your home’s energy costs. So how does a higher SEER rating affect your HVAC costs?

Let’s take a look at two different households: one with an HVAC unit rated at 14 SEER and another with an HVAC unit rated at 18 SEER.

The household with the 14 SEER system uses 1,200 kWh per month on average. The household with the 18 SEER system uses only 900 kWh per month on average—a difference of 300 kWh per month. That means that your monthly bill will be $30 lower over a year if you have an 18 SEER system rather than a 14 SEER system!

Another example is if you have an older air conditioner with a 10-SEER rating, it may cost $2,000 to $3,000 to install a new unit with a 13-SEER rating. But over 10 years of operation, that 13-SEER system will save you $400-$600 in electricity costs compared to your old system.

So what does this mean for you? It means that if you’re looking to save money on your HVAC costs, upgrading from an older-model AC unit to one with better efficiency can help save big bucks—and it doesn’t take much effort or cost much money to do so!

Moreover, it’s important to note that there are other factors related to how much you pay for your HVAC system. For example:


Do you have more questions related to SEER ratings?

Don’t worry. We have prepared a list of the most frequently asked questions so that you get the answers quickly. Here are those:

What’s the difference between a high-efficiency cooling system and a high-efficiency heating system?

A high-efficiency cooling system uses less electricity to cool your home than a standard system does. A high-efficiency heating system does the same for your home’s heating—it uses less electricity to heat your home than a standard system.

How do I know if my HVAC system has an energy star rating?

All HVAC systems manufactured since 2006 have had to bear an ENERGY STAR label indicating their efficiency level. If you are unsure whether your unit has been labeled with an ENERGY STAR label, please contact our HVAC professionals at 209-316-6510, and they will help you.

What is an acceptable SEER rating for HVAC?

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends choosing a unit with a minimum efficiency rating of 13 or higher.

How much will be upgrading my system to a higher SEER rating cost me?

The price of upgrading depends on the size and age of your HVAC unit. Generally speaking, if you’re planning to replace your current system anyway, upgrading its SEER rating will only add about $100-$200 to the cost of replacement—and that will pay itself back over time with lower energy bills!

Let Rellaire Perform An Energy Auditing Of Your Home/Business So You Can Make The Right Purchase Decision!

Are you looking for ways to save energy and money?

Do you want to know if there are ways to lower your energy bills?

Are you interested in improving the comfort of your home?

If so, then now is the time to get an energy audit!

Getting an energy audit will help you decide how to improve your home’s comfort and efficiency. It will show you where your home uses electricity and water and provide recommendations on getting the best out of your current HVAC systems while minimizing waste. An energy audit will help you decide whether investing in new appliances, lighting fixtures, or insulation makes sense.

And when it comes to the best energy auditing professionals in Lodi, CA, Rellaire is the best company. We’ve been helping homeowners and businesses in Lodi save on their utility bills since 2002, and we’d love to help you too!

At Rellaire, we believe that you deserve to know how your home is performing. That’s why we offer Energy Auditing in Lodi for all our clients.

Our energy auditing services are fast and affordable, and they’ll help you identify ways to reduce your carbon footprint while saving money! 

We’ll come out to your house, look at the current state of your heating and cooling system, and perform an analysis that helps us determine how much energy you’re using, where it’s being used, and what repairs need to be made. Then we’ll present our findings in a detailed report so that you can make informed decisions about how much dollars you wish to spend on energy upgrades—and what kind of improvements will impact your bottom line.

Our team is highly trained in the latest techniques and technologies, so we can find any issues with your home’s energy consumption and help you plan to correct them. We’ll even provide advice on how to reduce your consumption by making small changes around the house—and who doesn’t want more time for Netflix?
If you would like more information about how an energy audit can help your home’s efficiency, please contact us today at (815) 477-2600!

 Lemos Heating & Air is now Rellaire! CA Customers, Call: 209.369.0991

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