
The winter season is upon us causing our heating system to work harder. A worst case scenario is to have your heater go out in the middle of the cold season when heating professionals are the busiest. Whether you have a residential heat pump or large furnace, it is important that doesn’t happen. Below we will show you how to prepare your heater for Winter in Lodi.

1. Ease Its Burden

One of the best ways to avoid a heater breakdown is to put the least stress on your heater as possible. You don’t have to be uncomfortable while you do so, either. Purchase or utilize your smart thermostat to program your heater for optimal performance. You can set it to heat less during the day time when all the occupants are away. Your thermostat can also be set to lower temperatures when everyone is sleeping under their heavy covers. New smart thermostats even let you program settings such as “away” or “bedtime” from your phone and activate them.

2. Change the Filter or Filters

Now that you have your heater’s thermostat optimized, it’s time to give it even more of a break. The beginning of the cold season is a great time to schedule your air filter change. Your heater is going to work the most it will all year. A new filter will help it decrease contaminants while increasing air flow. We highly recommend splurging for a high quality filter, as this is one area you don’t want to cut costs.

3. Get Professional Maintenance Performed

All heaters from small to large ones need professional maintenance performed at least once a year. Your new air filter is a great beginning. However, there are many other aspects to heater maintenance that the average home owner cannot perform. This includes critical component inspection, electrical checks, leak detection, and many other advanced tasks. These are all critical to keeping your heating system running its best and avoid breakdowns when you need it most.

More on How to Prepare Your Heater for Winter in Lodi

We do not recommend that you perform advanced heater maintenance techniques on your own. Be sure to contact a professional in your area to help you prepare your heater for Winter in Lodi or wherever you happen to reside. Homes and businesses located in Lodi and the surrounding areas are free to contact us at Rellaire to get the best in heating maintenance, repair, replacement, and installation.

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